Jim Marshall of the 911 Training Institute

Jim Marshall, one of the leading voices in the 911 industry for mental health and dispatcher wellness, joins the podcast in Episode 23 for a compelling look into the lives of emergency telecommunicators.

As one of the co-founders of the 911 Training Institute, Jim examines the relationship between law enforcement officers and those who work in dispatch.

As a licensed mental health professional, Marshall also explores the role that “survivor’s guilt” and PTSD play in the lives of telecommunicators while supplying the knowledge and resources to counter these stressors before they cause self-destructive behavior.

Episode Guests

Jim Marshall is a licensed mental health professional whose 911 Training Institute (911TI) specializes in training for responder resilience and management of calls involving suicide and mental illness.

Jim has also created a PSAP Peer Support Program model with a 40-hour certification curriculum and provides extensive guidance to PSAP partners in building and maintaining these programs.

Jim is co-editor of The Resilient 9-1-1 Professional: A Comprehensive Guide to Surviving & Thriving Together in the 9-1-1 Center. In addition, Jim is co-chair of the NENA Acute/Traumatic and Chronic Stress Standard Workgroup, a member of the NENA Wellness Committee, and served as co-chair of the NENA Working Group developing the revised Suicide Prevention Interoperability Standard.

Jim’s training, publications, research, and conference presentations are dedicated to fostering the performance, well-being, and quality of life of The Very First Responder

Guest Information

Website: 911 Training Institute
Email: info@911training.net
Facebook: 911 Training Institute
Twitter: 911 Training Institute
Instagram: 911 Training Institute
LinkedIn: 911 Training Institute
PTSD 911 Film: PTSD 911
Crisis Text Hotline: Crisis Text Hotline

Episode Resources

Virtual Academy Courses

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